The Naviscope
March Edition The Navi-Scope Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope! By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson Welcome to the newest...

NorWELL for South Sudan’s Tuesday Night Live
On Tuesday February 4th, NorWELL for South Sudan held their second comedy night fundraiser. The night was hosted by our very own Mr....

January 25th, marked an unforgettable day for the Lawson family and the Norwell Community as a whole
. Last month, the Norwell Boys Basketball Team faced Hanover in a friendly match as part of the Andrew Lawson Foundation Invitational,...

Norwell High School Spain Adventures!
Un Viaje a España During February vacation, a lucky group of Spanish and Arabic students traveled to Spain in a group led by Señora...

Student Band: Milque Toast
A little while back on the 31st of January, a new band, Milque Toast, was introduced to the local music scene with their first gig at the...

Robotics Update
The Norwell High School robotics team is hard at work in preparation for their first competition. The first weekend in March the team...

Poetry Out Loud @ NHS - Tuesday, January 28th, at 7 PM in the Little Theater
At the beginning of each calendar year, thousands of high schools across the nation host Poetry Out Loud (POL) contests, with each winner...

Little Women, Great Minds Part One
Little Women. To many, Louisa May Alcott’s tale of domestic struggles is a childhood standby that kept many lanterns--or...

The Navi-Scope: February
Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope! By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology...

NHS Ski Team
On Wednesday January 22, 2020, the boys and girls varsity ski teams competed in a race at Blue Hills ski mountain in Canton,...