Winter Holidays
The winter season is filled with many different holidays all around the world. Christmas, the annual Christian holiday celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ is celebrated by billions of people around the world. Around the time of Christmas, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah is celebrated. Hanukkah is an eight day celebration which commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem. Starting on December 26th and ending on January 1st is the holiday of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa, opposed to Christmas and Hanakkuh, is a cultural holiday instead of a religious one celebrating African-American culture. On the day after Christmas, Boxing Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom. Boxing Day is when people will traditionally donate items to those in need, however, it has recently become commercialized and it is now a day where people can shop for deals. And of course, celebrated all over the world is the start of the New Year. Traditions celebrating New Year’s include eating 12 grapes, wearing white and jumping into the ocean, ringing the bell, singing Auld Lang Syne, watching fireworks and making resolutions. Regardless of their nationality, religion or culture, the wintertime is festive and filled with fun for all families. Happy Holidays!