Netflix Series Review
Dash and Lily If you're in search of your next Netflix holiday binge, the 8 episode rom-com series, Dash and Lily is perfect for the...

The Navi-Scope
Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope! By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology...

Pros and cons of writing in a journal
Have you ever written in a journal? You probably have. Maybe one or two entries, or maybe it was part of a school assignment, but have...

NHS Chess Club
Come one, come all! All player levels welcome! Do you dream of the days where kings, queens, and knights warred against other nations? Do...

Successful Remote Learning
NHS went remote from Friday November 6th till Wednesday November 11th. The question on everyone's mind is “Will that be all?” We have all...

Thanksgiving in 2020
Thanksgiving is normally a time for giving thanks for what we have and to have most of our family sit at one table and eat and catch up,...

Norwell Football
This year because of COVID-19 Norwell schools had to move the football season to February, so they ran an after school program for...

Navigator Staff Holiday Movie Fav’s
Julia Neumann: Sitting in the living room with my family, covered by a Christmas blanket, eating Thanksgiving leftovers, the fire...

Norwell Navi-scope
November Edition Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope! Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology horoscope! Here, you can use...

TV Review: The Leftovers
The perfect show to watch in 2020: ‘The Leftovers’ on HBO As the world collectively shut down shop and retreated to the seclusion of...