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Holiday Cheer: Teacher's Favorite Movies and Traditions

Holiday Cheer: Teachers Favorite Movies and Traditions: As the holiday season approaches, it's always fun to hear about our teachers' favorite holiday movies and traditions. It gives us a glimpse into their lives outside of the classroom and shows us a different side of them. Let's take a look at what some of our teachers love most about this time of year. 

Mr. Marsh and the Joy of Elf 

Mr. Marsh's favorite holiday movie is Elf, and he can't get enough of the scene where Buddy answers the phone by saying "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?" It never fails to make him laugh. For Mr. Marsh, this movie captures the spirit of fun that makes the holiday season so special. 

When it comes to holiday traditions, Mr. Marsh loves opening presents with his family. Imagine him wearing a Santa hat and getting excited as he tears open the wrapping paper. It's a moment filled with joy and laughter, making it one of the best parts of his holiday season. 

Ms. Caldwell and the Charm of Elf 

Ms. Caldwell's favorite movie is "Elf," and she especially loves the part where Buddy the Elf crosses the street hopping on the lines. 

Every Christmas Day, her Italian side of the family gathers for a festive celebration. They do Secret Santa and enjoy a big meal together, creating cherished memories and embracing the holiday spirit with warmth and joy. 

Ms. McElwee and the Home Alone Adventures 

Ms. McElwee's favorite holiday movie is Home Alone. She loves watching Kevin set up all those brilliant traps to outsmart the burglars. It's a movie that never gets old and always brings a smile to her face. 

Her favorite holiday tradition is collecting new ornaments from the places she and her family have visited throughout the year. Each ornament tells a story and adds a special touch to her Christmas tree, turning it into a collection of memorable memories. 

Ms. Adams and the Classic Charm of It's a Wonderful Life 

Ms. Adams is a huge fan of the classic movie It's a Wonderful Life. She insists on watching the original black-and-white version every year before Christmas Eve. The ending, where Clarence gets his wings and the whole town comes together to support George Bailey, always brings tears to her eyes. It's a heartwarming reminder of the importance of community and kindness. 

For Ms. Adams, the best holiday tradition is putting up the lights on the Christmas tree then relaxing by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate topped with fluffy marshmallows. She loves

doing this with her dogs, Rocky and Smokey, and with her grandson, Berkley. It's a time to unwind and enjoy the cozy warmth of the holiday season. 


Hearing about our teachers favorite holiday movies and traditions gives us a peek into their lives and shows us how they celebrate this special time of year. Whether it's the laughter inspired by Elf, the clever traps in Home Alone, or the heartwarming moments in It's a Wonderful Life, these stories remind us of the joy and magic of the holidays. So let's enjoy the season and make our own special memories!


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