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Norwell Football

This year because of COVID-19 Norwell schools had to move the football season to February, so they ran an after school program for football on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on the Norwell fields in the back of the high school. The camp was 3:15-4:30 pm and it was very beneficial because student-athletes were learning more about football, physically getting together and social distancing, and using their knowledge of football to perform on the field. Coaches would start every practice with various stretches. Coaches would follow that up with group strength training and agility drills as well as talking about plays that the players would be using on the field and on game day. Players listened to the coaches’ plans for this year's season which they are all very excited for in February. Crossing their fingers to have a season in the spring, the players gave 100%. The camp strengthened their bodies physically and mentally since they were all cobwebbed from the long break of sports since March. The players thought this camp was very well organized. Everyone was having a great time because each player got to practice and play the sport they all love. Even if football is not the particular sport for you, this would definitely be a camp to try out. One player said, “I know more about football than I ever have and look forward to showing my improvements on game day. I wanna thank the coaches especially for this opportunity too. This was not something they had to do, but they were taking time out of their day to teach us about football and help us all get better.” The of the student-athletes want to thank Coach Perkins for improving the linemen. Thank you Coach Lordie for helping out with the receivers and running backs. Thank you Coach Willis for the motivational speeches of encouragement and the profound help when needed. Finally thank you Coach Killinger for running this camp and giving us students an opportunity to improve our skills. Players can't wait to see everyone having fun and playing the sport soon enough. 


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