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How to be S.M.A.R.T. When writing your goals and New Year’s resolutions

S.M.A.R.T. Is an acronym used for effective goal setting that could change your mindset on new year’s resolutions! You could actually get them done this year. First get some ideas of goals for things you are genuinely interested in. Then use the S.M.A.R.T. acryocmn to set your goal. S stands for specific, make sure your goal is specific. M stands for measurable. Make sure you can measure your progress so you know when you are done. If you set a vague goal like “drink more water’’ you are on the wrong track. Instead something like “I want to drink x amount of water daily” is better. Next, A and R stands for attainable and realistic. They go hand in hand. Challenge yourself but make sure it doesn’t require equipment or opportunities you don’t have access to. Lastly there is T for time sensitive, a time sensitive goal is ideal because it can motivate you to get it done. Now that you have your specific goal you can take action. Make a plan on how you will achieve your goal. Think about when you will work on it, if you need to break it down into smaller steps, and if you need any materials. Then go for it, and if you need to adapt any of your goals along the way that’s fine too.


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