How Far Have We Come?
How often do you lie? Once a week? Twice a month? A few times a year? Now, imagine lying every minute of every day to everyone closest to...

Holiday Traditions
“Christmas day is usually spent at my aunt and uncle’s house, where my family spends hours playing table games such as fishbowl and...

The New Smoothie in Town
“Surf City Squeeze” is the name of the new smoothie shop in Norwell. Located inside Extreme Pita on Route 53, Surf City offers a variety...

Powderpuff: Seniors Win Again!
This past Monday, junior and senior girls headed to the CCC for the annual Powderpuff football game. Despite the cold weather,...

Thanksgiving Spirit
As the Norwell Clippers football team ends their successful season, the Thanksgiving matchup is the last chance for the 2017 Clippers to...

Chris Herren: A Sobering Message
On Tuesday afternoon, December 14th, students and faculty were fortunate enough to hear the story and message of Chris Herren. Chris...