Holiday Traditions
“Christmas day is usually spent at my aunt and uncle’s house, where my family spends hours playing table games such as fishbowl and ‘Heads Up’.”
-Caroline Twombly
“On Christmas Day, I went to my Grandmother’s house for Christmas dinner with my little cousins. They begged me to play ‘hide and seek’, and I agreed. Unfortunately, my four year old cousin was ‘it’ and was having great difficulties finding people, so I wound up spending half an hour squeezed into a tiny, dark closet!”
-Rose Hansen
“My Christmas Day is usually spent with my grandparents and great uncle. We eat a big breakfast, and then open our presents and sit around the fire with hot chocolate”
-Bridget Weier
“Every year, my mom, sister and I go to my aunt’s house for breakfast and a gift exchange. I then go back home and my whole family goes to my aunt’s house with my dad’s side of the family for games, dinner, a yankee swap and another gift exchange. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I love that I get to see both sides of my family.”

-Lauren Palmariello
“During this Christmas break, my family and I hosted the family of a close friend, with whom my mother went to college. Although it was crazy having another four people running around our house, it was so nice to celebrate with new friends, and to have more people to play cards with!”
-Tori Milun
“Every Christmas morning, my mother sets up notecards with riddles written on them around the house which leads us on a ‘hunt’ for the most special present we receive.”
-Lily Clifford