Chris Herren: A Sobering Message

On Tuesday afternoon, December 14th, students and faculty were fortunate enough to hear the story and message of Chris Herren. Chris Herren is a former NBA player and current motivational speaker who is very candid about his past struggles with substance abuse and shares his message about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse. Students were first shown a short video clip summarizing his story and struggles (from the documentary “Hoop Dreams”). Herren then came out and essentially stated that “I could share my story, but my story isn't enough,” meaning that he believed his takeaway message about substance abuse was more important than simply sharing his story. Herren addressed the root of why teenagers feel the need to drink or smoke, due to the fact many are insecure and unable to feel comfortable and enjoy themselves while sober. Due to the suffering that Herren had seen and experienced due to substance abuse, it was clear that he was very serious and passionate about the issue and wanted students to feel the same way. Hopefully, students were able to understand Herren’s message and apply it to decisions they make in the future.