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Working 9-5: Norwell High School’s Career Fair

What do you want to be when you grow up? What are you majoring in during college? How do you plan to spend the rest of your life? For decades, high schoolers have been asked these questions whenever meeting someone new, talking to an adult, or really in any average conversation. While some students may have a thorough, detailed response along with a pre-mapped life path, other kids are completely clueless. Determining exactly what to do with your life is a daunting task; however, with the help of Norwell High School’s career fair, students got the chance to explore different careers and narrow down their options. 

On Tuesday, March 19, Norwell High School hosted a career exploration fair from 7 to 8 pm. This fair was held in the gymnasium, and the room was packed with about fifty presenters and over two hundred students. Representatives of all types of professions attended—business, law, technology, health, public service, and more. The categories were also narrowed down to more specific professions. In business and law, students could explore personal investing and then talk to a medical salesman. In health and wellness, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and nurses lent a helping hand to students and described their own professions. Teachers of higher education and secondary education also took part in the fair to talk with aspiring educators. 

With around fifty representatives, students got plenty of opportunities to learn about different life paths they could take. The Norwell High School career exploration fair was a complete success, and helped many students find an answer to the infamous question: “what do you want to be when you grow up?”.


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