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What soccer players think about in the off season . . . The beautiful sport of high school soccer

I remember it just like it was yesterday, a fun season with friends having fun in the games in the hot weather making new friends and improving skill from the great coaches from all of the practices we had. As the season came to an end I had to reflect back and share some of the best times I’ve had playing the sport of soccer. I gained tons of skill from all of the practices we had which made me a better player. We had a great season we finished up the respectable season 8- 3-4 starting off slow but winning a lot towards the end of the season. The best time was at practice when we would learn new things and how to play with new teammates. The coaches helped our skill and endurance because we would run a lot, benefiting us in the long run making us a stronger player to succeed later in our high school career on our road to varsity. The best game the team played was the last game of the season against the undefeated BC high team a D1 team and we were in D3, so they were really good, but we held them the first half keeping them only to 1 goal. It was the best our team played, everyone was playing at their highest potential and our coaches were proud because of how hard we were playing. The arrogant BC high team came into the game thinking they were going to crush us, so they started to get scrappy and got mad because we were the hardest team they have played in a while. Towards the end of the 2nd half one of our strikers had a break away to tie the game, but the opponent goalie saved the tying goal. He punted it up the field and they scored– that was the last chance we had. We lost 2-0 but we were still really happy because their coach said that we were the hardest team they played all year which put a smile on all of our faces. Even though we lost we played hard and had fun during it which is all that matters. Looking back at the season it was the most fun I’ve had in a while and I can’t wait for next season to see all of my friends and get back to training.



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