What is Clipper Pride? More than Spirit Week
Clipper pride is something that every student in Norwell should carry. It’s being a supportive student, team member, or club member. It’s dressing up on blue and gold day and participating in school dances, Spirit Week, and other fun activities. But it’s also being proud of the school you go to. Norwell has a very open community that is welcome to change and comments on what they can do better. The amount of support the football games get from people of all different grades dressing up and cheering on the team is really great. It’s not all about sports though; it’s also about taking pride in your classes. Getting good grades, SAT scores, and MCAS scores is so important for the school system. It shows that we’re a good teaching and learning community for everyone. Most of all it’s about pride in yourself and being the best version of yourself every day.
