The Navi-Scope: May
Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope!
By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson
Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology horoscope! Here, you can use your birthday to find your zodiac sign and see what the upcoming month looks like for you, according to your zodiac!
ARIES (March 21-April 19):
Aries, May is the month for you to go for your goals! Whether you begin preparing to apply to your dream college next fall, work extra hard at a sports practice to show your skills to your coach, or take steps to get ready for a career after high school, it will always be the right time to work toward your dreams. By remembering your goals through all your hard work, you will maintain the motivation you need to find your path to success!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
May will be a fresh start for you, Taurus! You will stand up for yourself, which has been a long time coming, leading into a new, better you. You might face some adversaries while working for your goals but you’ll be better for it in the long run. Make sure you stay humble and grateful while achieving your goals because a large ego could ruin everything for you. If you are doing everything you’re supposed to be doing, then your dream life could become a reality.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21):
Gemini, this month will give you the inspiration you need to create new goals! With the world beginning to open up again, you may be able to spend more time at school with friends who used to be in the other cohort, see family members or friends who are now vaccinated who you have not seen in a while, or travel to a different location than you were previously able to go to. The updated guidelines and new freedoms will give you the potential to dream up exciting future plans while still staying safe!
CANCER (June 21-July 22):
Do you feel stuck in the mud, Cancer? Because if so, May will be a month for you to manifest everything you want in your life. It might be scary at first, but believe in yourself and that you are strong enough to accomplish anything. Keep those pesky negative thoughts out of your mind during this month (and every month for that matter) because they will do nothing but bring you down when you’re already so high up. You need confidence in order to be prosperous in life, so fake it ‘til you make it. If you love yourself, then everyone else will see the self-respected person you truly are!
LEO (July 23-August 22):
Changes in your school workload may be upon you this May, Leo! Perhaps you will have a creative project in a different class than usual, be assigned a different format of homework for a class, or just adjust to a new class altogether after the beginning of term four; anything that switches up your usual routine. Even though these differences may seem small, they may help you overcome potential spring fever and give you the drive to wind down the year with your best effort.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22):
You will be very mindful this month, Virgo! You will have the clear mind to look at different perspectives and observe more rather than talk. By noticing others and the world around you, you’ll feel more connected and grounded in yourself and your friends and family. Because you’ll feel so in tune with yourself, you’ll make better decisions and become even closer with those around you. Make sure you are bringing in positive energy that is going to propel you forward and not hold you back.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
Libra, keeping a positive attitude and staying optimistic when possible will help you succeed this May! You may overcome doubts about a test and then do well on it, think positively about a sports practice or rehearsal and then have more fun at it than you thought, or simply try to enjoy the end of the school year instead of wishing it was already over and create fun memories. While it is totally understandable and necessary to have negative thoughts at times, actively working toward a more optimistic point of view may help you feel happier and enjoy this month!
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):
May will present an opportunity to decide if some relationships are worth keeping or if they are a hindrance, Scorpio. Some friendships might be worth saving and working them out, but you don't want to keep putting yourself in an endless cycle of problems and make-ups. You need to remind yourself to always put yourself first, even if that means sacrificing some people. A true friend would not put themselves in a position of losing you, so remember that when the next issue arises. This month will allow you to grow and focus on you and finally take a stand against the fake friends.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21):
Sagittarius, being patient and forgiving to others is the theme for you this May! Perhaps you will understand when a teacher posts something incorrectly on Schoology, reassure a teammate if they make a mistake on stage or in a game, or make amends with a friend who you had a minor argument with; any situation when you work to help another person feel better. Even if you feel frustrated at something or someone, it is important to be understanding toward others so they will, in turn, be there to support you!
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):
Are you getting tired of the same old, same old, Capricorn? Because if you are, then May will be a wonderful month for your creative juices to start flowing again! It has been a long year, to say the least, and while there is no official quarantine, life is not exactly normal again, and that is making you ITCH for a new outlet to express how you’re feeling. The best (harmless) solution to that is: art! Art will be your version of therapy this month and that means in whatever form you most enjoy. You will feel passionate about your new creations and perhaps continue this fun hobby even when things are back up and running.
AQUARIUS (January 19-February 18):
Relationships will be your focus this May, Aquarius! Whether you become closer to a sibling by driving around with them, spend more time with friends as the weather gets nicer, or simply enjoy collaborating with your classmates at school, you will connect with others in new and different ways. By making sure you are taking care of and setting boundaries for yourself first, these connections will help you make memories and enjoy each area of your life even more!
PISCES (February 19-March 20):
Do you have a million things on your to-do list this month, Pisces? If that's a yes, then be prepared for a whirlwind of a May! You will feel very motivated this month to check off every single item on that list and even add a few if you're feeling up to it. While a determined mind is good, make sure you don't get too ahead of yourself and spread yourself too thin. A relaxed mind is just as important as accomplishing all your necessities. Remember to build in some time for a spa day or a day of absolutely nothing because recharging is vital for improved results.
