The Navi-Scope: June 2022
Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope!
Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology horoscope! Here, you can use your birthday to find your zodiac sign and see what the upcoming month looks like for you, according to your zodiac!
ARIES (March 21-April 19):
This June will be all about your personality and spunk, Aries! Whether you get in a silly debate with your classmates about a random topic, try out your own original strategy in a sports game, or thoughtfully incorporate your own views into a school assignment, your individuality will guide you to success. Remember that you can bring out your feisty personality without being outright aggressive, and your spirit will help you get through any challenge with ease.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
You will be having a fresh start this month, Taurus! After a long year, it is finally time for summer to begin and for you to start new activities. You have been bogged down with school work, sports and all your school responsibilities for the past few months, so you might feel like you're itching to do something different. Summer is the perfect time to refocus your mind and spend time doing the things you have always wanted to do. Whether you want to try surfing, traveling or exploring new hobbies, June will bring many different opportunities for you. You will feel that nothing is holding you back from escaping your past and starting new adventures!
GEMINI (May 21-June 21):
Gemini, this may be a busy month for you, but you will keep your composure through it all. While you may have exciting events like Prom, Senior Week, or tournament games headed your way, you will also find ways to relax through them all, including having quiet moments with your friends, preparing for all the events on your own, and enjoying team dinners with your teammates. Though so many new, exciting endeavors are approaching, you know how to handle it and your coolness even in chaos will carry you through!
CANCER (June 21-July 22):
This June will allow you to organize your thoughts for summer, Cancer! As you know, you have a habit of overthinking and imagining the worst. While it is good to prepare and be ready for anything, it is just as important to think realistically and methodically. Because you might be overthinking your final exams or the tournament for your sport, you will get completely distracted from what is necessary. Taking time to think things through will only improve your mental health just in time for summer. Remember that your mind has a way of making things seem worse than it actually is and everything will work out.
LEO (July 23-August 22):
Leo, this June will be your time to focus and concentrate on your goals. Maybe you will really organize and study material you do not understand before acing a test, work extra hard at practice and perfect a skill for a game, or simply take the time to independently create the perfect graduation cap for the big day. Regardless of the activity, you will relax and take your time this month to dominate in the near future!
VIRGO (August 23-September 22):
June has many new opportunities in store for you, Virgo! Just as the school year comes to a close and summer starts, your horizons are filled with new beginnings. Whether you have a new summer job, travel to an exotic place or let your creative juices flow into a project, you will be vibing all month long. There will be times when everything is within reach, but don't take it for granted and keep working hard. Summer is the best time for you to reinvent yourself and take risks to shape your future.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
Prioritizing openness and gratitude will be your key to success this month, Libra! You may hang out with a different group of friends as summer nears, write notes thanking friends or teachers around graduation, or successfully take on a new role on a team and thank your coach for the opportunity for enjoyable change. Your good example can set the tone for the attitudes of those around you, so use your energy to bring about positive change wherever you go.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):
You will be conquering many fears this June, Scorpio! While taking risks and challenges can be scary and intimidating, don't be afraid to let your courageous side take over. In times of panic and worry, it is easy for you to back down, but do not turn away. In your fight or flight instances, always choose to fight and you might just surprise yourself. You will never regret choosing to stand up for yourself because it will only help you in the future. Even though life can throw you many curveballs, it is important to stand your ground in all situations.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):
Sagittarius, you will thrive this June by letting go of anything holding you back! Perhaps you will stop doubting yourself so much and find new success in your sport, try to move on from a test you struggled on to get a better score on the next, or enjoy your last high school memories before preparing to move on to your future endeavors. Whatever you do, and however crazy your month gets, know that this is the environment that you do best in, so go get started accomplishing your goals!
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):
Nothing will be holding you back this June, Capricorn! If you have felt constrained these past few months with school, tests, sports, or activities, June is allowing for all that pressure to go away. You have many dreams and ambitions that can be accomplished with a new sense of empowerment this month. From feeling trapped and weighed down by responsibilities and work, you will blossom into the best version of yourself you have seen yet. All your passions will come alive this month and the rest is yet to come!
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18):
Aquarius, you will use your humor and wit to face any challenge that comes your way! Whether you crack a perfectly-timed joke in class to end an awkward moment, use your creativity to come up with a funny new idea for a club, or incorporate an appropriate one-liner into a school writing piece, your less serious side will get you out of any sticky situation. As long as you use your comedic forces for good, you will enjoy a month full of fun and success.
PISCES (February 19-March 20):
New friendships and relationships will be on the horizon this June, Pisces! After a long school year, you might be wanting to expand your connections this summer and June is perfect for that. Being stuck in Norwell for the past 10 or so months, you might be open to new friendships this summer. You will meet some new friends and connections from a job, summer hobby or even traveling that will grow stronger and stronger. All your past and future relationships will flourish this month, just in time for summer!
