The Navi-Scope
The Navi-Scope
Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope!
By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson
Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology horoscope! Here, you can use your birthday to find your zodiac sign and see what the upcoming month looks like for you, according to your zodiac!
ARIES (March 21-April 19):
Be ready for a month of positive change, Aries! You may make an exciting decision about your post-high school plans, win a close game against a rival team, or finally understand a difficult concept in class. Whatever excitement comes your way, your family and friends will be there to support you and cheer you on always.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
You're looking right into your future for the new year, Taurus! As you probably already know, you are more of a visual learner. You like to see all your options laid out before you, so you are prepared for what decision to make. Starting off the new year with a checklist of all that you want to accomplish in 2022 will help you get ahead. You know exactly what you want, so go out there and make it happen.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21):
Gemini, remember your optimism this month! Your key to success will be your positivity, which may include saying you will be successful on a test and then doing well on it, having a positive attitude during a game and then gaining a bigger role on the team, or supporting others in a club which leads to you earning new privileges. By reminding yourself how capable you are, you will be better able to help others and find success yourself.
CANCER (June 21-July 22):
Cancer, you will be feeling your feelings this month! As a person who is already very in tune with their emotions, January will allow for you to become even more sentimental. As the new year is approaching, you will reminisce on all you've done this year and that will make you long for the old times but also excite you for what's ahead. There are so many possibilities out there so don't get too caught up in your moods and just go for it!
LEO (July 23-August 22):
Leo, this January will be all about supporting others. Perhaps you will help a friend or sibling study for a test, cheer on your teammates during a game or race, or be there for a parent or neighbor who needs your assistance at the last minute. Your eagerness to help will allow you to make connections with others willing to help you in the same way whenever you need.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22):
Prepare to be a go-getter this month, Virgo! You are so excited for 2021 to be over and can't wait for 2022 to hurry up and come already. Not to say you've had a bad year, but all the new beginnings that the new year brings gets you pumped for whats all to come. There could be projects, sports games, plays, music concerts that you will be participating in and you could not be more ready. All the opportunities are coming your way, but remember to be patient and enjoy the present moment.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
January will be your month to get organized and focus on schoolwork, Libra. Whether that means working throughout the month on a long-term project, setting aside time to study for important tests, or creating a new plan for completing your homework, academics will take center stage in your life. Remember to surround yourself with people who will support you in your educational pursuits, which will help lighten your load in your journey to success!
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):
January will call for you to be nostalgic, Scorpio! As you are preparing for the new month, you will be looking back on some of your past memories and wishing things were the way they used to be. Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you; your wishing is not going to change your present life. You have to be the one to take hold and make the most of your journey. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):
Sagittarius, your January will be all about creating new ideas that will simplify your daily life. You may learn a new strategy that will make a concept in class easier to understand, suggest a plan to solve a problem in a club, or simply resolve an underlying issue that you have been thinking about. With new ideas come new opportunities, so prepare for positive change starting from your mind!
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):
This month will provide you with the closure you have been searching for, Capricorn! WIth all the new year's resolutions in the front of your mind, you are easily distracting yourself from the past troubles you've faced. Although you would like to move on and forget about the past, that is not always possible. Instead, talk with a therapist, parent or other trusted friend in your life about what's been bothering you. Then, when you finally have the past put behind you for good, you can focus on your bright future ahead.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18):
Aquarius, as your season nears, remember to always trust yourself! Whether you stick with your original answer instead of changing it on a multiple choice test question, take time away from a situation that is bringing down your energy, or make a final decision about post-high school plans, your month will be filled with decisions best made by your intuition. Your instinct will guide your best decisions, so trust yourself and know that you are making the right choice for you.
PISCES (February 19-March 20):
January will be a month of socializing and some much needed rest, Pisces! While you like your alone time after the busy school weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, you need to connect with others to feel fully satisfied. Having time to watch Netflix and veg out is important for your well being, but also grabbing lunch with a friend is just as crucial. Finding a balance between your introverted and extroverted sides is a challenge, but is going to be effective in the long run.
