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The Navi-Scope

Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope!

By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson

Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology horoscope! Here, you can use your birthday to find your zodiac sign and see what the upcoming month looks like for you, according to your zodiac!

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Aries, this could be a month of surprises for you! Prepare to do better than you thought on a tough test, get accepted into your dream school or program, or earn a spot in the upcoming play when you least expect it. Have faith that fate will guide you where you need to go, and enjoy the excitement coming your way!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Take what you want this November, Taurus! You have worked hard lately, whether that be taking the extra time to study for a test, submit those college applications or spend some more time practicing a sport, you have prepared yourself. With all your preparation in hand, you’ll be able to accomplish all that you set out to do. Anything you desire will come from all the work you’ve put in!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

November is your month, Gemini! With positivity and luck staying on your side, you’ll be able to do anything you set your mind to, like earning high scores on multiple tests in a difficult class, scoring the winning goal in a playoff game, or even just having several good parking days in a row! Use your plentiful successes to the fullest, and you will certainly get the energy boost you need to finish 2021 on a strong note.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

Be assertive, Cancer! This November, you’ll be asked to do things that, truthfully, you just don’t have the time nor mental capacity for, so get used to saying that dreaded 2 letter word, “NO!” The most important thing in your life, Cancer, is you, so putting yourself first isn’t selfish, just needed. You need to refocus yourself and not put everyone else first so that you accidentally put yourself last. Saying “no” isn’t rude, especially when it means that you're doing something positive for yourself.

LEO (July 23-August 22):

Leo, you may face some challenges this month, but they will all contribute to a greater good. Whether you have a tough day at practice, struggle to understand a concept in the classroom, or just have one of those days when nothing goes right, your setback will help you succeed in the future. You will learn from your struggles so you can see your everyday tasks in a new light and become better at tackling them by making your own strategies or asking for help.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22):

November will have you losing and gaining things, Virgo! This is only a win-win situation because you need to lose some layers before getting what you really need. First off, you will say goodbye to an illusion that is not serving you, but hurting your present reality. Be in the moment and don’t get too caught up in the “what if’s.” Another loss will be to your comfort zone. Although that sounds scary, you will first need to be uncomfortable in your surroundings, so then you learn to thrive in any situation life throws at you. Again, you will enjoy making new connections and friends; whether that be from a class, sports practice, or new club you’ve joined, you’ll be feeling connected to more people.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22):

Perseverance is the theme of the month for you, Libra! Even if you question why you are taking a class, feel a little overwhelmed by your after-school commitments, or struggle to quickly pick up a new sports skill, the learning process will help you grow! By sticking with any activity even when it gets hard, you will develop the skills you need to be successful and become a more determined person along the way, and success will definitely be near!

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):

This month will showcase all your new found energy, Scorpio! Recently, you have been feeling revived and up for any activity or task that comes your way. With all this new power, you will be on the go this November. Instead of sitting about and watching life pass you by, you’ll be in the action, creating your own future. You have realized that life is too short to wait around for the spark, so you’ll be making your own fireworks, Scorpio!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):

Sagittarius, it’s almost your birthday month and your time to shine! As the month begins, you may feel a little unmotivated or frustrated with a commitment, but by the end of the month, you will gain confidence from getting an answer right in class, making an important play in a game, or coming up with an exciting new idea at a club. Don’t let any challenges get you down this month, Sagittarius, because success and fun are right around the corner!

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):

You’ll be feeling all the love this November, Capricorn! If you’ve been going through a rough patch recently, be prepared to be pulled out by your friends and family. The support from those who care most about you will be the motivation you need to get past whatever is bothering you. A friendly text from a friend you haven’t seen in a while, the encouraging words you receive from a beloved grandparent, or the hard to hear truth from a too honest sibling could push you in the right direction of getting your life back.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18):

Prepare to change the world this November, Aquarius! Whether you take action to stand up for what you believe in, join a club to make your mark on the school, or even just help out a sibling, your desire to make change and help others will propel your action. Take advantage of this streak of inspiration and don’t doubt yourself in your quest to make the world better; we need your energy now more than ever!

PISCES (February 19-March 20):

Be patient with yourself and others this month, Pisces! The wise old maxim of “patience is a virtue” is going to be your November anthem. If you’re waiting to hear from a college, finding out if you made it on the team or in the cast, or just waiting for something to happen, it can be torture, so you need to know when to let it go. Whatever the result may be, the result will be, no matter what your agitated mind stresses over, so do yourself a favor and relax a little more this month.

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