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Thanksgiving in 2020

Thanksgiving is normally a time for giving thanks for what we have and to have most of our family sit at one table and eat and catch up, but not in 2020. In 2020 Thanksgiving was a lot different than what it has in previous years. This year we did not travel as easily and even if we did, that was a risk we were willing to take with what’s going on around the world right now. A lot of families had Thanksgiving dinner over the phone or on a zoom meet like we do in full remote classes at school. This was not ideal, but it was as good as it gets for some families. The only problem was that each and every family had to make their own Thanksgiving dinner without the help of relatives--no potluck where every family prepares part of the meal to share. Some families did have a normal Thanksgiving dinner like Covid 19 wasn’t a thing. Another problem with Thanksgiving in 2020 was now less people are celebrating the traditional Thanksgiving. They say the pilgrims were in the wrong and the first thanksgiving wasn’t supposed to happen. It doesn’t matter if you celebrate Thanksgiving or not; the main goal of the day off is to give thanks for who and what you have and to be grateful for your blessings. Make sure you tell at least 3 people thank you.  That is what Thanksgiving looked like this year.

By: McLaine Mahony


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