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Successful Remote Learning

NHS went remote from Friday November 6th till Wednesday November 11th. The question on everyone's mind is “Will that be all?” We have all been in this situation before due to the two week closure from school last March that turned into a 6 month remote learning experience, but will this be the same? Many of us are hoping we will be able to go back to school in-person . But some of us are not as we prefer remote work and going on zooms. No matter what you prefer everyone can agree we just want things to go back to normal. Not only will this affect the kids but it will affect the parents as well including the potential for unemployment with more and more small businesses shutting down. A couple ways to stay productive while doing remote work is to make sure to have a schedule. Another way is to make sure to stay off your phone and try to put it aside while you're working. Having your phone out of reach will help stop the urge to use it and will get you more focused on your work. The last way to stay productive is to be in a productive working environment. Instead of sitting in your bed doing your work try sitting at a desk next to a window that doesn’t have any distractions on it. While in remote try and stay on top of your work and don’t let it pile on you and push everything till the last minute. Being organized and staying proactive will help reduce stress. Another tip is to make sure to go outside every once in a while. You must stay active even if you have a lot of work. One zero is worth it for physical activity. I personally don’t believe we will go into another 6 months.

By: McLaine Mahony


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