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Spring Band Concert Overview

After a year as crazy as 2020, nothing really comes as unexpected anymore. That being said, playing outside with gale-force winds was not exactly the plan for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble concert this past week. However, even with a few stands falling over and a few pieces of sheet music flying away, the concert itself was a definite success! As a member of the Wind Ensemble, I had so much fun being able to perform for an audience again on Friday after a year of practicing first by myself and then with only my peers in class. We were able to play together on the lawn in front of the auditorium for our friends and family, who sat throughout the parking lot, a safe distance away from our instruments. With stands full of photocopied

music and clothespins to keep all of it in place, we played four pieces as the Wind Ensemble only and eight pieces total with both bands. As the sun set, the parking lot lights lit up around the area and we zipped up our jackets against the cold. The audience’s applause and understanding and Mr. O’Briant’s unwavering support all lent to a fun and relaxed atmosphere for the night, and I personally had so much fun with my friends laughing about all of the challenges of playing outdoors. Interspersed throughout our playing, Mr. O’Briant read personalized Senior Bios for all of the graduating seniors and we all enjoyed reminiscing about the years we have spent and memories we have made together in band. Overall, even though the concert was completely different from any other I have performed in during high school, the night was definitely memorable and so much fun. We persevered through all of the challenges the past year presented us with, and were able to make music together that we were all proud of. I would love to thank everyone who worked to make this concert possible, especially Mr. O’Briant, and remind you to come support the music department, including the jazz bands and chorus, whenever you can!


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