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Robotics Team #348 All Charged Up!

On January 7 the build season for this years robotics competition has finally started and it’s called Charged Up. You have to score points by putting a cone on a pole or a blow up cube in a certain spot on the ground. You can also score points by driving your robot onto the charge station. The charge station is a board that your robot drives on and gets “charged up” and then continues getting cones and cubes. Team 348 Norwell High Schools Robotics Team has three competitions. The competitions are in Florida, worcester at WPI, and also one in Reading. We have six weeks to build the robot and the whole robotics team has been meeting every day after school so we can get this robot finished. There are 6 teams amongst the big team team 348. The build team which means you build the robot. The programming team which means you program the robot to make it do what we want it to. The drive team which is the team at the competitions who drive the robot and move it around. The strategy team which developes a good strategy for us to use so we know what we’re doing at the competition. The safety team which makes sure people are ok when they get hurt at the competition. Lastly the promotion team which promotes our team and gets us sponsors and get people knowing who we are. This is all so exiting, and we can’t wait for our competitions.


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