Norwell Cares Day
Norwell Cares day was an exciting and fun event for the Freshman class. Freshman got to do lots of fun activities to bond with their home room. Some of the events included charades, keep it up with a ball, running through a jump rope, and so much more. Keep it up was really fun and it was great to work together with your classmates. One of the games you got to try and pass a ball but pass it in the same order every time. It was really cool to make strategy with your
classmates and compete against other home rooms. We also got to make up a dance routine with our home room and then perform it. It was so much fun to watch friends and classmates perform and preform your own dance as well. There were so many great dances. Overall Norwell cares day was a great experience for the Freshman class and so much fun.
10’s Around Town was part of the Norwell Cares Day initiative, focused on bettering the community in and around Norwell. The group I was in was tasked with cleaning a garden in Marshfield that had been overgrown and needed to be weeded and fixed up. We had to use teamwork to be able to clean it up as best we could, uprooting and pulling, figuring out how best to get at the weeds that needed to go. These plants that we pulled at ended up with some interesting finds in biology, being able to see how weeds will root themselves into the ground to leech off of the area around them. (See photo) Some of the roots were as long as, if not longer than the plants themselves, and taller than the people grabbing at them. After we finished cleaning up the garden, we were taken over to the Norwell Council On Aging. After eating a quick lunch, we got to work, digging up holes to plant tulip bulbs in. Using shovels and pure willpower, we dug at the ground along the roadside and around the building for the Council on Aging. Once we had these holes dug, bulbs were placed inside and covered in bonemeal to assist with growth, then covered again to bloom in the spring. Any time you drive by, keep an eye out for tulips lining the roadside. Keep in mind, this was just one way to better the community. Other groups worked to build bridges (literally), clean pollution, or other activities.
For Norwell Cares Day each grade did something different and fun, the sophomores did something that was more about helping the community though. For Norwell Cares Day, the sophomores went around town doing service projects from kayaking and picking up trash to gardening. Throughout the day all of the homerooms went from place to place helping out. Mrs. Delore’s homeroom first went to James Library in the center of town to garden and spruce up the library. They weeded the front, planted flowers in the mulch and many bulbs on the side. Then they went to Cross Street Flowers Farm and helped weed and plant tulip bulbs so that in the spring there will be beautiful tulips all around. When they were done, they got to take some flowers home as a thanks for all the help. Although gardening was not everyone’s favorite thing to do, everyone had fun and the day provided a bonding experience for all the homerooms. People became closer to others in their homeroom and others and a good deed was done. At the end of the day everyone returned to Norwell High School for ice cream and got to share what they did with the other homerooms. Throughout the day numerous things were done to the town of Norwell to show how much each student at NHS cares about their town.
On Monday, September 27th, Norwell High School Juniors went to other schools to help out teachers and younger students. One homeroom went to the Norwell Middle School to help Mrs. Whitt, a literacy specialist. Another Juniors prepared book fair pamphlets for students and delivered them to other English teachers. Some played Apples to Apples and other games that strengthened the middle school students’ vocabulary and word structure. Overall, it was a wholesome experience. Juniors got to reconnect with past teachers and talk to younger students.
