New England Aquarium
The New England Aquarium is one of the global leaders in marine conservation and exploration. With a large cylindrical tank in the center, the aquarium spirals up around the sides until you reach the top, where you can see the fish from the surface of the water. On December 22, 2022, I was allowed the opportunity to visit the aquarium with my Sea In Literature class. While I was there, I got to learn about and witness many different species of marine life. I was able to see the animals living in the coral reef, such as sea turtles, eels, and many different kinds of saltwater fish. In other tanks, I saw starfish, seahorses, frogs, octopus, and tons of other freshwater and saltwater fish. Outside the aquarium, you can find sea lions and seals. Wonder a little further, and you may arrive at the touch tank, where there are many rays and sharks that you can brush your hands across. Once you are finished walking through the aquarium, you can go across to the theater, where you can watch a thirty minute documentary on a marine organism. While I was there, I learned about Cephalopods, which include squid, octopus, cuttlefish, or nautilus. Cephalopods have many unique characteristics, such as the ability to disguise themselves as other marine life. They have also adapted to use human waste as their shelter. At the New England Aquarium, there are so many things to learn about, and I think that everyone should go at least once in their life. Education about our ocean leads us a step further in conserving it.
