As much as I love football I also have a love for lacrosse. I’ve only played one year but I have already gotten attached to it. Let me explain it to you. Lacrosse is a team sport where players try to get a rubber ball into a net or goal. Players use a long stick with a net on the end of it called a lacrosse stick. They can run, carry, catch, shoot, and pass the ball with the net of the stick. Some basic rules are, there are 10 players allowed on the field 3 attack, 3 middies, 3 defenders and 1 goalie. For each goal in boys lacrosse, the scoring team is awarded one point. There can be a maximum of 4 long poles on the field per team. A lacrosse ball may not be touched by a player's hand except by the goalie. Some history of lacrosse. The history of organized sports shows lacrosse to be by far the oldest organized sport in North America. Wikipedia reports that nearly four centuries ago, early European settlers modified a North American Indian stickball game dating back to the 1200s into pretty much what the game is today. They also gave it its present name, “La Crosse” (The Stick), which merged into a singular-word name. The game became more formalized with written rules in 1867 after which it became a competitive sport in elite prep schools and colleges, primarily in the northeastern U.S. Lacrosse is characterized by intense action, strategy, finesse and power. It is a game with long, looping passes and short bullet-like shots to catch a pass over the shoulder while running at full stride, to hit the top corner of the net while in full flight, or to stop a shot aimed low through a maze of players requires a range of skills unsurpassed in any other sport. The nature of the game makes it a great spectator sport. So next time you go to the store buy a stick and a ball and start practicing!