The ocean needs our help.
Kindness is one of the most important things in human society and it’s not something that’s hard, as I’ve learned from doing one act of kindness a day over the past week. One act of kindness I did was clean one of our local beaches.
It was Wednesday Oct 26th. I decided to take it upon myself to go clean the beaches after school this day. After school I drove to Scituate and parked at Egypt beach. I grabbed a trash bag and my coat and headed for the boardwalk. As I was walking I saw Gatorade bottles, empty chip bags, broken sand toys, and even a huge pizza box. I stuffed as much as I could into my trash bag and put it in the back of my car and drove it to the dump to throw it away. I was satisfied with myself because I love going to the beach and seeing no trash, so I know other people would appreciate it too and even the animals in that environment. I know moving forward I will always pick up trash even if it’s not mine.
By doing such an easy task I knew how much a difference this could create in the long run if everyone took one day out of there week to do this just for an hour or any random act of kindness. By doing this I felt like a better person at the end of the day. I found myself smiling at more people, and it was easier to get through my day. I feel as if doing an act of kindness for everyone becomes a social norm that there would be a huge change in people's attitudes. I also was able to also see other people doing random acts of kindness too. The other day someone held the door open for me and I really appreciated it. I know not only did the people that visit Egypt beach appreciate that I cleaned up, but I know all the animals and the environment did too.
