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Juniors and Their Focuses During Terms 3 and 4:

Spring is finally here! After a gloomy winter many people are excited for the nice weather and summer to come! Juniors, on the other hand, have their minds on other things these last few months of school. As many of you may know, junior year in high school is the most important academic year for students looking to apply to colleges. Not only are Juniors trying to keep their grades up, but they are also starting to visit colleges these last two terms of the year. Along with visiting colleges, Juniors also have to think about what they want to do with their lives and the paths they want to take to get there. I know from experience that one of the hardest things during terms 3 and 4, is staying focused. The last thing many students want to do is sit inside at a computer working on homework, studying for tests and AP exams, and planning for their future while everyone else is outside in the beautiful weather having a good time. While it's hard to stay focused, all of the Juniors have done such an amazing job keeping a healthy balance of school, sports, college, and social life. Underclassmen, don’t fret! Although junior year is a stressful one, it is also a great one, where you get to find yourself, gain freedom, and face new challenges! Juniors, don’t forget to ask teachers for recommendation letters now so they can write them for you over the summer!


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