Homecoming 2021
From spirit week to pep rallies to football games and parties, homecoming week in Norwell had tons of fun to offer. Kicking it off with spirit week, the halls were teeming with costumes and music. Superheroes and villains took a swing at NHS on Friday the eighth, replacing the usual Monday as the first spirit day because of the long weekend. Then the fun continued the following week with color wars, pirates vs mermaids, wall day, and finally blue and gold day. Spirit week was a great success, and everyone’s school spirit was displayed at the Clipper pep rally on Friday the fifteenth. It was amazing to see all four classes join together to celebrate our town and school. The bleachers were a sea of blue and gold and everybody was cheering for their classmates and teachers throughout many games and performances. The senior class won first place for their rock n’ roll themed wall, followed by the freshmen’s techno wall, juniors’ disco wall, and lastly the sophomores’ country wall. Not long after came the event that all of this was leading up to; the game! The Norwell Clippers played Sharon High School for the big homecoming game. It was a beautiful fall night to be outside and enjoy the great sense of community built by each individual. The student section of the stands were packed with Clipper pride from all of the grade levels, even including elementary and middle schoolers, all cheering for their home team. Norwell and Sharon were tied 0-0 at the end of the first quarter, but then we shot ahead, making the score 33-0 at the end of the third quarter. The final score of the game was 33-7, causing an uproar of excitement from all. The misty Saturday evening was filled with the lights, music, and sparkly dresses of the homecoming dance. The usually bland school gym was converted into a wonderland of decorations and lights, with each corner of the space decorated to fit each class’ wall theme. The DJ was a hit, and almost the entire student body was up and dancing the night away. Those who needed a break from the loud and steamy gym could get
bottled water outside, and the rain didn’t seem to be much of a problem. When the dance ended, the fun didn’t as many people dispersed to their own post-hoco gatherings. As a freshman, I’ve been hearing people rave about homecoming week since I was a kindergartner, but it still exceeded my steep expectations. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did and I can’t wait to see what next year brings!
