Have you ever imagined your future life?
In 2072 I will be about 66 years old. I hope I will be married and have about 4 kids. But I think the ocean issues will honestly be a lot worse. I think the use of plastic in this day and age is so extreme that in 2072 it will cause us to completely lose our oceans. These big mass production companies are aware of how much plastic they are producing and the damage they are doing; but they're making so much money that it doesn’t matter. Soda companies make thousands of plastic bottles of soda each second and billions of plastic bottles a year. Humans alone use about millions of plastic bottles per minute. People don’t know that only 9 percent of plastic is recycled because companies put a recycle label on everything doesn’t mean it’s getting reused. It’s said that in 2048 our ocean will lose all marine life and fish. Plankton especially produces oxygen we need to breathe. Because of the amount of plastic that is polluted into our oceans. Fish, which we eat, eats a lot of plastic in the ocean. It also invades and ruins their habitat and environment. Our bright colorful reefs are now bleached and dying because of our overuse of plastic. But there’s hope for a change. Using reusable water bottles, taking recycled to-go boxes, reusable insulated bags at grocery stores, and being aware of how much waste you're throwing out can help our oceans so much. Just by being more aware, people's future kids may experience what the ocean is like, corals, marine life, and beaches. So just with everyone doing a little change we may still have our oceans and the oxygen it produces.
