Freshmen Soccer
The Norwell freshman boys soccer team are off to a great start of the season. Mr. Doran, the 8th grade social studies teacher at the Norwell Middle School, is managing the team amazingly. On September 8th, Norwell traveled to Quincy to play their first game. It was a beautiful day to play soccer. The weather was gorgeous with a nice windy breeze, the sun was shining, and the grass was bright green. At four o’clock was the kickoff. Nolan Mckenna was playing in net. In the first half Gavin Blake scored two goals outside the box. Then Lucca Ruffini scored one by going past three defenders and shooting low and hitting the back of the net. Quincy had one goal in the first half on a free kick by going top left corner and Nolan Mckenna couldn’t do anything about it because of how beautiful the shot was. In the second half for the Clippers, Gavin Blake had two more goals outside the box. Then Griffin Murphy scored a one on one with the Quincy keeper. Quincy scored a goal off a one on one due to defensive breakdown on the Clippers, then Quincy scored off another one on one with the lack of defense. The Norwell Clippers take the victory over Quincy in the first game. On September 16th, Norwell traveled to Silver Lake high school. On the Norwell side they had Jake Fisher who played in the net. In the first half, Norwell struck first with the first goal which was a grimy goal by Ryan Johnson. On the Silver Lake side they scored a goal off rebound, making it one to one in the first half. In the second half Silver Lake struck first with a goal inside the box. Then with three minutes left Nick Adams scored a shot in the top left corner outside the box making it three to two and then Silver Lake was not so happy. Then Ryan Johnson intercepted a pass then shot the ball inside the box to put the game away. The Norwell freshman team record so far is four wins, two losses and one tie. These two games are definitely the two most exciting games so far and we hope we can keep up this effort for the whole season.
