Environmental/Water Concerns
Water as we know it in Norwell may be changed forever. A recent report from the Norwell Water Department details the contents of our tap water and exposes what may be found inside. The Water Department states that Norwell’s ground water is naturally corrosive (it has a pH of less than 7.0). Therefore, untreated water has a tendency to corrode and dissolve metal piping. This not only damages the internal plumbing of your home but can also add harmful metals, such as lead and copper to your water. They also state that our water could also contain PFAS6. PFAS are man-made chemicals that have been used in some non-stick cookware, some water-resistant clothing and outerwear, some food and food wrapping, some shampoos and body lotions, some firefighting foams, and in industrial processes. Some people who drink water containing PFAS6 in excess may experience certain adverse effects. These could include effects on the liver, blood, immune system, thyroid, and fetal development. Now this may all seem bad but there are some solutions. The most effective way to have cleaner water is to buy a water filter. Whether it's a small counter water filter or a water filter you can install into your home. The counter water filter is good for drinking water but won't be useful for showers or sinks. Another way to help reduce the effect the water can have on your life is to be more conservative with your water usage. If you have certain health conditions your best option is to limit your intake and find a cheap installable water filter for your home. If all of these options are too expensive or require an immeasurable amount of effort not to worry the Norwell Water Department is currently working on our pipes and water filtration systems. Hopefully in time this process will be over soon.
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