Earth Day Every Day: How Norwell Public Library Is Following This Mantra Throughout April and May
For the months of April and May, the Norwell Public Library put together an Earth Day Event Series, which includes lectures, book discussions, and other opportunities to learn about being more environmentally conscious. The library hosted a dinner and movie event on Wednesday, April 19, as a part of their series as well. This event was the second one of the series, and the majority of the 25 available spaces were filled. The Norwell Public Library played the movie Seed: The Untold Story, a 2016 documentary about seed keepers around the world and the value of seeds within society, especially those passed down through generations. Directed by Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz, and starring Vandana Shiva, Dr. Jane Goodall, Andrew Kimbrell, Winona Laduke, and Raj Patel, the film follows farmers, scientists, lawyers, and indigenous seed keepers as they protect seeds and, essentially, the future of food. Seed: The Untold Story was a perfect choice for the Earth Day Event Series, as it teaches its audience the importance of something often overlooked: seeds. The night began at 5:30 in the meeting room at the Norwell Public Library with pizza and side dishes that were brought by the attendees, and was followed by the documentary at 6. The movie and dinner event was offered to Norwell adults, as well as to the students at Norwell High School. Some teachers at the high school offered extra credit to their students if they attended. Overall, the night was a successful event in the Earth Day Event Series that educated and improved participant's understanding of the importance of agriculture and seeds. The series will continue through May, and is sure to include events that are just as successful and enriching as the dinner and movie.
