Door Decorating and Gingerbread House Contest
Recently, we hosted a school-wide contest between every advisory. Each had two contests, a gingerbread house and a door design (really more of a door cover). Every advisory had some really interesting goals, varying from plastering movie characters on, to covering the whole door in balloons. Walking through the hallways during decorations felt like another world, everyone herded around the doors, desperately trying to fit in as many details as they could, with around half an hour on the clock. My own experience ended in a lot of coloring and cutting. Everyone was having a blast, even if it was just a little tense and stressed. Every person moved quickly, trying to do everything at once with all they had. But that same stress that kept us hurried and panicked is what made it so fun. Everyone found themselves working together on small details, helping one another out where they needed it, and getting whatever materials they might have needed, even if it meant "borrowing" from another group. The actual winners really did not matter, at least not to my group. We just had fun messing around and designing some outrageous door that we were happy with. And it did not even matter in the end, because who finds fun in a three-way tie. But who cares, because we had fun, and it's cliche, but isn't that the fun in it all, is if we had fun? So that's what counts, is that we had fun, and we could all enjoy a rushed little holiday celebration together.
