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COMING SOON! Mutual Assured Destruction

NHS’s Fourth Wall Players have begun another show this month and this time it is a little different than normal. Instead of the regular play preparation that normally takes place, this year the FWP will be filming their play! The play that has been chosen is called Mutual Assured Destruction by Don Zolidis. The synopsis of the show is 10 scenes about brothers and sisters starting in 2015 and ending in 1922. Each scene takes you back a decade, but shows that even throughout 90 years sibling bickering remains the same. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the actors will be filmed, and the play will turn into a movie instead of a live performance. There will be more information to come about how to watch the film, but for now any support for the theatre department would be much appreciated during this new play set up!

- Chloe Lawrence


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