Clipper Pride: Spirit Week
As the alarm goes off early before the school day starts, the most prideful Clips prepare for an exciting day ahead. From head to toe, each student is dressed in blue and gold and beaming with excitement. The assemblies rumble the school walls causing a low boom of sound to emanate through the gym and the halls. Classes fill up and chatter goes around with students happy to be at school and learn. As the school day comes to an end, the sport teams gear up to represent their town in a competitive battle to win a state championship. The stands at games are filled so much that a sea of blue and gold floods out onto the pavement and grass surrounding the fields. The athletes supercharged by the cheers of their classmates prepare and dominate their game as the cheers get louder. The band enthusiastically playing in the background keeps the energy high and emphasizes each celebration. As the game comes to a close, every student is on their feet showing their Clipper pride.
