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Art Show

 On Thursday, May23rd, students were given the opportunity to observe their peers' creativity. The halls of Norwell High School are decorated with art painted by past and current students of Norwell because our community greatly values the importance of being able to freely express oneself through visual arts. Artistry is a form of expression that resonates with every individual differently. The students' artwork allowed for a deeper understanding of one's perception of life. The art show provided the opportunity for students to appreciate the effort and dedication  individuals put into every piece. Many were impressed with the talent the current students have displayed. The AP art students were given the chance to showcase their work in separate portfolios which varied with each student, showing the diverse perspectives of others. By examining each portfolio, viewing students were able to learn about their peers' interests and values. The art show presented underclass men and incoming students with their future opportunities in pursuing art during their high school years. The different types of art classes available to take were also presented. Not only were many inspired, but many were given the chance to inspire others as well. Along with the AP portfolios, every student that participated in an art course during the year had a piece featured in the show. The pieces presented showed how students evolve in their artistry skills with each progressing year. Even if the student completed the same project as another, the contrast styles and choices could still be noticed. The diversity in students' art inspires them to be confident in their own preferences. Every student has their own unique personality which could  be perceived through their art. Something as simple as a drawing encourages students to think outside of the box, and appreciate the differences that create individuality.


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