2021 Winter Concert Summary
Congratulations to the Norwell High School Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble on another successful winter concert! The performance took place on Thursday, December 16 and both showcased the talent and work ethic of the bands and brought holiday spirit to the audience. The Symphonic Band performed two pieces and the Wind Ensemble four, with both programs including one Bach piece and one piece of classic holiday repertoire, selections from The Nutcracker for Symphonic and “Sleigh Ride” for Wind. Among the additional Wind Ensemble pieces was “Requiem,” which included a stunning solo by junior Emma Greene. Much of the auditorium was full for the performance, which was a welcome change after being unable to play for large groups indoors last year due to COVID, and excitement and support were palpable throughout the night. As a clarinet player in the Wind Ensemble myself, I can say that the night was a definite success and so much fun to be a part of, especially witnessing the vast growth from the fall concert. Great job to both bands, thank you to Mr. O’Briant and Ms. Medairos for your constant support and hard work through the entire process, and don’t forget to check out Small Ensemble Nights this February, featuring small groups from the many music classes at NHS, to witness more musical talent!
