The Navi-Scope: February
Norwell High School’s Only Official Horoscope!
By: Chloe Lawrence and Katie Johnson

Welcome to the newest Norwell High astrology horoscope! Here, you can use your birthday to find your zodiac sign and see what the upcoming month looks like for you, according to your zodiac!
ARIES (March 20-April 19):
This February, something unexpected is going to happen to you as you are walking through the hall at school. Maybe you will see someone using their locker for a change, someone will say hello to you that you don’t usually talk to, or something new will be up on the wall. You will soon find out, so expect the unexpected!
TAURUS ( April 19-May 20):
Coming up in February, your hopes and dreams will be put in front of you. Maybe you will get into your dream college or get a prized spot or role on a team or in a show! Also, you will soon become settled in your life without wanting to change directions. You might finally be content with an academic choice you’ve made or found a club you enjoy! Unfortunately your workload will become very busy in February, so you might have to set aside some downtime to remember to put yourself first!
GEMINI (May 20-June 21):
You are going to frequently change your mind while making a minor decision this February. When you are waiting in line to buy lunch, you may have trouble picking out what you would like to eat, or when walking into school, be indecisive about which door to walk through. Try not to overthink things and you will make the right decision!
CANCER (June 21-July 22):
In February, you will have many surprises in terms of your income, so your after-school job might be worthwhile! In addition, you might be worrying more this month but don’t let that cloud your thinking. If you have an upcoming exam don’t stress about it and know that you’ve got this and trust your gut! Some good news is that a goal you might have will show some progress as well!
LEO (July 21-August 22):
While at school this February, you and a friend will have a minor disagreement about a silly subject, but will move on from it quickly. Maybe you will disagree about what color the floor tiles in the Lower Blue hallway are, or argue over the fastest way to reach the cafeteria. But do not worry, the argument will not last long and you will both be laughing about it even as you are debating.
VIRGO (August 22-September 22)
During February, you will be very focused on your school work: whether you’re preparing for a presentation or studying for tests you’ll be concentrating hard! You will also receive surprising news related to whatever you’ve been fixating on and has been something you’ve been preparing for! Finally, you will have favorable outcomes and expectations that will be reached! Maybe you will do well on a test or just have a relaxing vacation you worked so hard for!
LIBRA (September 22-October 23)
You are going to attend a fun school event this February! Whether it be a sports game, band concert, or other night-time activity, you will have so many fun plans to enjoy with whomever you wish! Prepare to make some lasting memories because this coming month, you are going to be a social butterfly!
SCORPIO (October 23-November 22)
You will need to communicate a lot in February so be prepared to talk to a teacher about a grade or make-up work! Don’t get too angry about the missed assignment or that C because it will only result in making you feel even more bitter. Instead try to resolve the situation and it will work out! You will be getting surprising news during the middle of the month, so maybe you finally get into your number one college or your parents surprise you with a February break vacation!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Does your sibling go to Norwell High School with you? What about a cousin, or just a close family friend? If so, you are going to talk to them more than usual, as an event will occur to bring you closer together! Maybe you will be in the same lunch and sit together, or you will see them outside during a fire drill. Whatever happens, remember that you can always trust them to be on your side!
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)
February is your month, Capricorn! You will have a few changes but things will work out for you, so don’t worry about that stressful exam or tryout! Also, don’t forget to follow your gut as it will always lead you to the right decision! But be understanding, as you need to remember that not everything goes as planned, but if you keep a level head, you’ll be just fine!
AQUARIUS (January 19-February 18)
You are going to have a busy and full month, but something new will spark your inspiration! Perhaps you will notice a painting on the wall that resonates with you, or learn something in class that excites you! Even if it seems as if everything is happening at once, know that there is always something you are working towards to get you through!
PISCES (February 18-March 20)
Coming up this February, you will have some confusion regarding activities that you’ll need privacy to deal with. Maybe you won’t make the team you’ve been desiring to get on, but don’t let that un-motivate you, as you will have a spark of creativity! So if you don’t make that team, look into your artistic side, and maybe art class will inspire you into a new creative side you never knew you had- stay open minded!