NHS Ski Team

On Wednesday January 22, 2020, the boys and girls varsity ski teams competed in a race at Blue Hills ski mountain in Canton, Massachusetts. Led by captains Ethan Baker, Cole Schiller, Molly Roman, and Jackie Coughlin the two teams competed in a giant slalom type skiing race. Before the race begins both of the teams gather together and “slip” the course also known as inspecting the course. In doing so, the teams strategize each gate and the turn that comes with it, as well as, the conditions on the course, grip on the snow, and the base of the course. Following the inspection, the racer from each team rides the chairlift up the mountain and begins to prepare for their race. The race starts with the highest seeded female in the competition leading the racing; then up next goes the highest seeded male racer, alternating female to male until all racers have completed the course. While on the course a racer has to focus on five elements: a proficient start to the race, getting an edge on turns, speed, body positioning, and timing for turns. All five of these components help the Norwell Ski Team excel in their races. When done the team gathers their belongings and get on the bus to go home. Please join us at our next race and consider participating in Ski Team next winter.