NHS Coffee House

You see the posters. You hear the announcements. Once a month on whatever Thursday we deem acceptable at 7pm, Coffee House is held. It's been around for generations of Norwell High Schoolers. In my mind, it is the best fundraiser for the senior class. This fun night is filled with excessive talent through music, poetry, a

nd even dancing.The crowd is filled with your friends, family and your fellow classmates where you can hangout and enjoy the show with baked good hot cocoa and sometimes coffee.
Since the beginning, Coffee House has given an outlet for new, upcoming artists and even more experienced artist to express their talents with their peers in a comfortable setting. It’s everyone from the expressive artist we all know to the shy face you pass in the halls on the way to class.
This past Coffee House had an amazingly packed lineup filled with classic performers such as Michael Kitterick, Maddie Aldopolous, Lance Bagouan, and yours truly, Bobby Curtin. In addition, fresh faces conquered the Coffee House stage for the first time.

A special shout out should be made to the people that performed at Coffee House for their first time. It can seem a little more nerve wracking due to its intimate scene, but it allows you to really connect with the audience on a personal level. I can remember my first time at a Coffee House freshman year. I was so terrified that my legs started to shake uncontrollably. I then realized that even the best artist messes up sometimes. New faces who decided to show their musical talents tonight included The Pesko twins and Molly Roman. The Pesko twins did a rendition of “Something Like Olivia” by John Mayer backed by Pat Walsh on guitar. Their alternative folk rock sound was thoroughly enjoyed by the crowd. Molly Roman, a face I would've never expected to step up to the Coffee House stage absolutely killed it with her version of Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love”. Her lower register alto voice recreated the vocals of famed British singer but in her own way. It was, in my eyes, one of the best first-time performances I've ever seen. Anulika Nnadi blew the crowd away with her feminist poetry further solidifying such acts into our line-up that left everyone with something to think about in their daily lives.
Mr.Roman approached me after the show and praised me and fellow student government colleagues on keeping a showcase of people's talents alive and focusing on people exhibiting their individuality. This meant more to me than I think he would have expected.

Senior class president Mason Shumaker gave a speech before the final act of the night, talking about his personal enjoyment of the event and thanked those who make Coffee House possible. He also touched on the fact of how much Coffee House has grown in just this year alone in which I couldn't agree more. From attending in middle school to running sound for this event the past 3 years, I admired the Coffee House going through a metamorphosis. Although it has had its rough patches it is still alive and well, and will be for generations to come.