Anti Defamation League
The Anti Defamation League is an international, US-based organization that fights hate. The organization was created in 1913 with the goal of combating bigotry and ensuring equality for all. Their program for students is called The World of Difference Institute. In October of 2018, Norwell High School students were encouraged to apply to become a part of the new Norwell High School ADL program. Through a competitive application process, a group of students were chosen to help build a more positive and inclusive environment in Norwell. Over the past year and a half, the members of ADL at Norwell High School have been learning about how attitudes and beliefs affect actions. As informed students we hope to have an impact on others at NHS and beyond. Our goal is to learn different ways to promote inclusion and acceptance of others. We have developed lesson plans to pass on what we’ve learned. Last year we made trips to the Norwell Middle School where we taught about bias, stereotyping, and different types of prejudices. Some comments from the NMS teachers were, “We really needed this,” and, “Can this training become a weekly event?” We recently presented at a NHS teacher’s meeting, testing the NHS staff’s knowledge about these topics and teaching them what we’ve learned about fighting discrimination and bias-prevention. We received feedback like, “This was the best, most informative staff meeting we’ve ever had.” Now, we’re getting ready to work with the freshman class about combating prejudice and teaching them tools to address these issues at school and in our community.
Through the ADL World of Difference program we have learned to recognize bias and the harm it causes, understand the benefits of diversity, and ways to tackle racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of intolerance. Only through continued learning, communication and work like this can our school become a place where EVERY student feels safe to be themselves.

Test Your Knowledge
Do YOU know the difference between:
Equality vs equity
Tolerance vs Political standing
Nationality vs Ethnicity vs Race
Equity is giving everyone what they need to be successful.
Equality is treating everyone the same.
Tolerance: someone who respects another for who they are.
Political views: where one aligns in relation to parties.
Nationality = country of birth
Ethnicity = nationality and cultural traditions
Race = physical traits