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Thanksgiving Spirit Week

Back in November, the students of Norwell High School participated in the annual Thanksgiving Mini Spirit Week! Similar to Norwell’s homecoming spirit week, students dress up each day to match a specific theme, and then at the end of the week to participate in a schoolwide pep rally. In addition to the themed days and the pep rally, during the Thanksgiving spirit week, junior and senior girls participated in the annual PowderPuff game, and the varsity football team played Hanover on Thanksgiving day. Overall, this spirit week was a wonderful way to excite students about the football game on Thursday, and contributed immensely to our school spirit and togetherness.

Monday was football day. Students wore their favorite football paraphernalia, and junior and senior girls wore their PowderPuff shirts. It was amazing to see everyone rallying together around a common love for football. Later on Monday night, the Powderpuff game was held, in which the seniors won over the juniors, and both sides had a great time playing against each other. Below is a picture of the junior and senior girls and varsity football players at PowderPuff Monday night.

Tuesday was charity day. Each grade chose a different charity to represent and raise money for, and wore a specific color that correlated to their charity. Freshmen wore camo for fallen soldiers, sophomores wore green for ocean cleanup, juniors wore purple for domestic violence awareness, and seniors wore light blue for alopecia. The togetherness and charity each grade showed towards their chosen cause was inspiring.

Wednesday, the final day of spirit week, was blue and gold day, and the spirit week was held on Wednesday. All four grades wore colors representing Norwell, and everyone came together to either participate in or witness the pep rally. Activities from pie eating to musical chairs to dodgeball occurred during the pep rally, and students from all grades participated in the rally. The energy in the gym was amazing as students got ready for the football game the next day. Below is a picture from the pep rally.

To end the week, the varsity boys football team played Hanover on Thursday. Norwell fought hard, but sadly lost to Hanover. Below is a picture from the Thanksgiving Day football game.

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