Guess The Teacher

Let’s settle this debate once and for all: La Croix or Polar?
La Croix, hands down. Better taste, less carbonation, better marketing. Yeah. It has the trifecta.
And what’s your favorite flavor?
Hmm. Recently or traditionally? Used to be Passion Fruit- No! Used to be mango, but it reminded me too much of Mr. Magno, so I couldn’t drink it anymore. So I went to key lime. You can only get it at Walmart though. Key lime is good for those days when you say to yourself, “You know, I could really use a good carbonated beverage”. So yeah. Key lime is my new go-to. Mango used to be, but now holds too much association with Magno. Do you have Mr. Mango as a teacher? Yeah, you can see where I’m coming from. Is Tom Brady really the GOAT? Yes. Yes he is. Really? Coming from you, that’s a shocker. Yeah...I mean, obviously I’m a numbers guy, so, if I’m basing it on numbers...what other quarterback has won five super bowls? I mean...he’s not gonna win SIX Super Bowls, there’s no way he’s doing that. But he has won five. Well, you can’t be too sure. Tom Brady, to me, is the greatest quarterback of all time. Therefore the GOAT. He is the GOAT, yeah. And I bet you thought a Steelers fan was gonna be bitter and resentful - and I used to be that way. I used to be that guy- but with all the data that’s come in, and you know I’m a numbers guy, it’s true that the numbers just don’t lie. And I’m a Pittsburgh guy, so I’ve been reciting the whole “we have six Super Bowls” thing at least five times a day recently. So I can’t be a hypocrite. If I go around bragging about the Steelers and our six Super Bowls, I can’t say Brady isn’t the best QB because he has the most Super Bowls of any quarterback. I have to be fair and admit that he is. Predictions for this Sunday? Lots of pain. Lots of tears. A great super bowl Los Angeles. Thinking of asking Mr. Fish if I can take the day off to fly over there and celebrate. Should be a great parade.