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Government Shutdown

Recently, the government shutdown caused by issues with government funding (the resolution of which was kicked down the road four times by legislature) disrupted the lives of government workers all across the country. However, it also caused problems for those who rely indirectly on government-funded programs, like our very own Hornstra Farms here in Norwell. So we caught up with Donna, of Hornstra Farms.

  1. How swiftly did things change for you after the government shutdown?

It took weeks for us not to be able to get anything [like fruits and vegetables]. One week we had it then we didn’t; it wasn’t right away.

2. What was hardest to operate as a company under the shutdown?

Just customer service; [Customers] not used to the lack of what they’re used to seeing. We always like to keep produce fresh because we get it weekly. We didn’t like not having it; it was tough on customers.

3. Did you feel used during this time?


4. What concerns do you have going forward? Will the shutdown affect your plans going forward?

There was one product we didn’t plastics and containers, in the bigger picture are coming from. We know what produce we would miss but other materials [missing] could affect us more. For future packaging, it could be an issue for us.

5. What are your takeaways from coming directly in contact with political topics most people only read about?

Here at the store, we don’t talk about politics with customers so it wasn’t really an issue. If there is another one [government shutdown] we hear now about the workers and their hardships. I think it will come down to customers which the media hasn’t touched yet.

There you have it. A little taste of Washington politics affecting the lives of people right here in Norwell. Our own Norwell JSA (Junior Statesmen and Women of America) had their trip slowed down by understaffed TSA workers. So, the next time you go into Hornstra Farm store for some fruits and veggies, you can thank an open and properly functioning government.

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