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Madame Luchon Interview

Madame Alexandra Luchon is a long-term substitute French teacher this year, teaching classes ranging from French I to French IV. She recently moved to the South Shore with her husband and her son.

Bienvenue Madame!

Where did you move from? Why? Columbus, Ohio. My husband's family is here and we wanted to be closer to them and my son’s cousins and my husband missed the ocean. What is your favorite thing about Norwell? The students, and it’s beautiful.

How did you start speaking French? Why? In seventh grade, we had to choose out of the three (Spanish, French and Latin) and even though most of my friends were taking Spanish, I took French because I wanted to go to Paris.

How was the transition to Norwell? The other foreign language teachers made it an easy and good transition to the high school. What is your favorite thing about the South Shore? I love the water and having sand in the car from the beach!

Fun Facts! What is your favorite French food?


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