Honami Interview

Are Japanese Restaurants different in the USA?
Japanese restaurants in Japan are so different from them here in the USA. We don’t really eat seaweed wrapped sushi.
How is food different here in America? There is lots of similar things but it’s like they have been changed, in Japan soba noodles don’t have meat and vegetables in them. Sometimes in Japan they’ll have dessert after dinner but not everyday [like in America].
What’s been your favorite food/things here in the USA? Pizza!! Twix chocolate bars!! And American music.
What do you do for fun in Japan? Go to the cafe for 1-2 hours and drink tea or coffee with friends. Have sleepovers and do each other’s hair and cook [her favorite things to cook are sweets].
What is the biggest holiday in Japan? The biggest holiday in Japan is New Year’s.
One big thing here in America is Mochi (rice dough covered ice cream), do you like it and is it different in Japan?
I love it! In Japan mochi only has one flavor, the flavor of the mochi rice [she has tried pumpkin spice flavored mochi in the USA and she likes it].
Katie Amorosino
Do you sing in Japan?
What kind of singing?
“J-pop” and classical when I am in music school.
How has school been going for you? Has is challenged you more or less than you expected?
School is much more rigorous because in Japan we have 10 minutes between classes and our teachers come to us.
Have you enjoyed your experience so far in Norwell?
Overall, yes. Though, Norwell is much more relaxed than Japan.
If you could change anything, what would it be?
I would change the measuring system to the metric system because when I see 60 mph as the speed limit on the highway it looks dangerous. People in Japan drive 60 km per hour on the regular roads, not highways.