Haunted High
Spooky season in Norwell kicked into high gear on October 27th this year. The senior class was very busy during the last full week of October, transforming the high school into a scary prison. The Haunted High event took place in the gym, locker rooms, and trainer’s room of the school. In each room, high school students of all ages were dressed in character, whether it be guards, prisoners, etc.. The script of the event was that the event attendees were going on a tour of a prison. While on the tour, the prisoners broke out of their cells and the tour groups had to find their way to a safe zone. The event started in the gym, where groups were formed and four high schoolers were assigned to each group. Two of these students played the roles of the tour guides, while the other two pretended to be regular kids who were just attending the event. The tour groups went down the stairwell near the snack bar one at a time. At the bottom of the stairwell, the group discovered that the prison had a breakout because one of the two normal-looking students was “snatched” by a prisoner. The tour guides then led the group into the girls locker room. There, the second student was snatched by the prisoners and the group had to walk through the rows of lockers with banging and screaming filling the room. Fake blood on the walls and prisoners with torn clothes and scars increased the scary factor immensely. The group then walked by the trainer’s room, where zombie prisoners were eating prison guards. After, they moved to the mud room, which was turned into a solitary confinement room. Annabelle and Samara (“The Ring”) were the two characters who stayed in this room. After the mud room, the group went through the boys locker room. Although this room had less screaming, the creepy factor was still present because the prisoners all wore clown masks. After turning through the rows of lockers, the group finally found their way back to the gym… to safety. Overall, the event was a huge success. All of the high schoolers who helped out with Haunted High went all out, which then led to all of the attendees having a super fun night.