Spirit Week
Spirit week, a week full of music, crazy costumes, and spam on Instagram posts, was a complete success this year. Although it was much earlier than usual, the students embraced the days with passion and excitement.
Students came on Monday decked out in their assigned colors. Student government changed the freshmen’s color from green to orange, which ended up being a huge success. While the sophomores were zipping through the halls decked out in red, the juniors went full on white out. Finally, the seniors wore their class tshirts as they took on the color black. Their tshirts paid tribute to classmate Jack Kenney with his initials printed on the sleeve. All four grades went all out in beads, boas, and face paint. Not only were the kids ready for spirit week on the early Monday morning, but the hallways were also decorated with streamers and balloons to keep the spirit up throughout the day.
On Tuesday, the students came to school dressed as their favorite superheroes. Wonder Woman, the Incredibles, and Captain America were the fan favorites. Capes and masks were also very popular. The transition from superheroes on Tuesday to hippies on Wednesday was quite smooth. Tie dye and peace signs engulfed the school on Wednesday. The students who brought in speakers also embraced the 60s theme by playing some groovy tunes. Hippie day was probably one of the most popular days, leading to the highest amount of posts on social media out of the five days.
On Thursday, each grade dressed up as their assigned Boston sports team. Leading up to spirit week, class student governments created a 15 by 20 foot mural associated with their sports team to hang up in the gym. Freshmen wore green to show off their support for the Celtics while the Sophomores embraced black and gold for the Bruins. The juniors joined Walle the Big Green Monster to show off some Red Sox spirit and the seniors spent the day as champions as they dressed up in the Patriots attire.
Spirit week ended with a bang on Friday. Walking into the school, underclassmen and faculty members were welcomed by seniors lined down the spine with vuvuzelas. And the noise didn’t end at the end of homeroom; the horns were blown between classes and music was played from multiple speakers. Blue and gold filled up the gym during the pep rally and students were loud, engaged, and enthusiastic.
Overall, participation in spirit week this year was incredible! Kids really went all out and had fun with every day. The spirit didn’t stop once the final bell rang on Friday. There was plenty of energy at the homecoming game and dance as well.