NHS Sailing Club

This spring, Norwell High School has teamed up with Notre Dame Academy to create a sailing club! This is the first year that Norwell has offered sailing as a sport through the school. The club practices every day in Hull and has races everywhere from Scituate to Boston to Natick. There are thirteen people on the team, seven from Norwell and six from Notre Dame Academy. The sailing team is a great new addition to our list of spring sports, and is fun and collaborative. The boats that we sail are called 420’s and FJ’s, and we team race as well as fleet race during our races. In team racing, three of our boats (six sailors) go head to head with three boats from another team. The goal is to have your 3 boats finishing places (either 1,2,3,4,5 or 6) add up to ten or less. When we fleet race, it is every boat racing against each other to see who will win.

This club is great because we get to meet new girls from NDA and have fun sailing with them! Our team is awesome this year and everyone contributes something useful to it as a whole. Our coaches include Mrs. Julie Gordon from Norwell High School, Courtney Curran as well as Sarah Mitsch from NDA. This year we have sailed through snow, rain, fog and high winds. During one of our first practices it was snowing out, and at our most recent race in Boston it was sixty degrees and sunny. Overall, this team has made my spring much more enjoyable! My teammates are awesome and sailing this spring had definitely been one of the highlights of my junior year. Although our season will be over soon, if you are interested in sailing I would highly recommend signing up next year