Earth Day
Looking to go green this Earth Day season? Want to shrink your carbon footprint? Only spray paint will get you a green thumb quicker than these ten easy ways to become more eco friendly:
Reduce your shower time by five minutes
Turn your thermostat up five degrees in summer and down five degrees in winter
Skip the meat once a week for dinner-- try plant based proteins like legumes or beans instead!
Borrow instead of buying-- books, movies, clothes
Use plastic water bottles and reusable lunch bags to save money and energy!
Avoid wasting food-- don’t buy in bulk. Also, try composting your plant based waste! All it takes is a small composting container in your backyard. Check out amazon or ebay!
Replace five lightbulbs in your house with energy efficient LED light bulbs
Wash laundry with cold water to save 90% of the energy used by washing machines
Download the Seafood Watch app for information on where your seafood comes from and if it is sourced responsibly
Skip the plastic-- use reusable bags whenever you can at stores.
In addition to making these 10 easy tips a part of your life, do a bit of spring cleaning to declutter your home! Think about donating gently used clothing to The Salvation Army or local shelters. And attend Norwell Trash Bash on May 5 for some outdoor spring cleaning as well!!