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Owen Baum

Owen Baum is a unique and interesting guy. During Spirit Week, Owen became the biggest Norwell High School superfan. You'll definitely see him walking around with a big sign at the pep rallies cheering on his school. He is probably one of the most invested student in the rallies and could be viewed as the spirit of Norwell High School. Not only is Owen the biggest fan but he also has some interesting hobbies that not everyone knows about.

Owen is a big fan of animals. You could say he has a small farm next to his house with Nigerian dwarfs and Nubian goats, chickens and one sheep. If you ask Owen about his animals you will get to hear every detail there is too know about them. He has videos and photos to go along with every single animal. Every one of Owen’s animal has a name and let me tell you they are creative. The Nigerian Dwarfs names are Otis, Oswald, Douglas and Chester. Douglas is named for the town he came from while Otis has the same initial letter as Oswald. The Nubians are named for Mary and Edith from Downton Abbey. Owen plans to add to the farm in the Spring.

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