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Coffee and Carolyn

The last Coffee House of the school year was May 16th. On this day, NHS celebrated Carolyn Flaherty’s final performance as a high school student, before, of course, she inevitably becomes a worldwide sensation, charging for coveted live performances.

Carolyn Flaherty has sang at every Coffee House since her Freshmen Year. Not missing a single performance, Carolyn has shown utmost dedication to preserving the arts at NHS and raising money for her class. Winner of Norwell Idol and Captain of the Decibels (the acapella group at NHS), Carolyn has simply been the crux of NHS Music. Enrolled in three performing arts class, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and Chorus, her expertise in music supersedes all. Currently writing her own music, her songs on SoundCloud are amazing, witty, and oh so catchy.

In honor of her last Coffee House, Carolyn performed three songs, including some of her best friends in her ensembles.

For her opening number, Carolyn decided to sing her own original song, “Going Away”.

When asked, “What inspired you to write this song?”

Carolyn responded, “The song was inspired by graduating, going to the ocean, and the familiarity of my own street. I actually wrote it in April during the full moon on the beach when it was in Scorpio lol.”

Carolyn also tripled with Rosemary Hoitt and Isabella Diaz to perform “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley.

Finally, Carolyn decided to sing with Jarrod McCarthy and Isabella Diaz “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac.

When asked, “What made you choose this song?”

Carolyn answered, “Landslide was one of the first songs that my mom showed me when I was younger. It's always been playing in the background of my house and will forever be one of my most favorite songs.”

“Do you consider Stevie Nicks to be an inspirational figure?”

“Yes! I admire EVERYTHING, her style, songwriting, clothing and how all of her songs remain rooted to herself connecting with her surroundings and the earth”

In conclusion, Carolyn plans to attend the esteemed Berklee College of Music next year. There, I know, she will be absolutely adored by her peers and professors alike while changing the world with music.

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